Lying there with my eyes closed I calculate last night's consumption. 4 cans of beer, a prosecco and 2 ports. And too much cheese. Mmmmmm cheese. That's at least 14 units {but that's barely anything! - the cheeky beer monkey}. More than a week's worth at the current guidelines. And I drank the night before, and before that. In fact pretty much every night since the 15th of December. Harley fills someone with pride, does it {it's the holidays, everyone does it. You're fine - the cheeky beer monkey}.
6:30am. Up with the kids with a slight hangover.
Take a picture of myself. Ouch - I look tired. Puffy blood shot eyes.
I mentally project forward the day. Hang out with the kids. Lunch. Hang out some more. Dinner. Crack a drink whilst cooking dinner. Then another whilst eating dinner. Kids bed time. {Well done, you deserve another - the cheeky beer monkey}. Crack another....repeat.
Something about habits rattles about my subconscious somewhere, both positive and negative ones. Over the last few years I've definitely developed a bad habit with drinking, a bad relationship you might say {You're not that bad, you know people who drink way more than you - the cheeky beer monkey}.
It's January, Dry January. Let's try and reset that nasty habit, remove it completely {No, don't do that.}
Wish me luck.
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