130 units! And I'd had a half hearted attempt to stop drinking at the start of December. So that's 130 units in 2 weeks. Or...
59 440ml cans of 5% heineken. Nearly 30 a week. A bit over 4 a day {That's nothing, you're fine here - the beer monkey}.
57 175ml glasses of white wine. Just over 13 bottles of wine. Nearly a bottle a day.
Comparison isn't always the most helpful, what's a lot for some is nothing for others. But... that's well over the current suggested limit of 14 units a week.
I am simultaneously horrified by the numbers and think it looks pretty reasonable. 60 cans of beer over 2 weeks! That's 30 cans rattling around the recycling each week. Embarrassing. And yet I still try to rationalise it, 4 440ml cans of beer a day it doesn't seem so bad.
There's still a lot of work to be done, rewiring the brain.
I hope the neighbours didn't see me stomping all those cans of beer.
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